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“The sons of Issachar – men who know how to interpret the signs of the times to determine what Israel should do.” (1 Chronicles 12:32)

Our Vision:
Building a network of Christ-centered people exploring what it means to live as men of Issachar.

In the Know and Ready to Go!

The resource to support Christian families to know “the signs of the times and what they should do.” (1 Chronicles 12:32)

IN:Tribe is part of the Issachar Network, which connects people who want to study the Bible and be ready to act when crises occur around the world, like the men of Issachar, who knew the signs of the times and what to do about them.

As we look at the signs of the times, we must now train our children in the ways of God to prepare them for the days we live in. Our children must be rooted in the Word to be able to understand the world from God’s perspective. If we do not do this, our children will end up rooted in the world, trying to understand the Word of God from the world’s perspective.

This is where IN:Tribe comes in. Our mission is to help families grow together in their faith and understanding of the Bible and to prepare them for the return of Christ equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenges of the modern world.

The IN:Tribe resources will help your family to be “in the know and ready to go.”

We recommend families begin with Stage One foundational sessions and work through all sessions consecutively before moving to Stage Two, which can be worked through in any order you choose.

For an overview of IN:Tribe session topics, click here. 

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